
K-42 KSP console

This post is a repost of a blog entry from august 22 2015 on Kerbal Space Program forum (soon to be defunct).

This is my first blog post presenting the K-42 console for KSP by Rescaled Decomposites (tm).

It's an over computerized, low-budget, compact and "portable" simpit that I'm building just for fun and as a way of finding my way back into both basic digital electronics and programming again.

Everything is based on modules with the following characteristics:

  • Front panel is 100x150 mm.
  • Four mounting holes placed in each corner 5 mm from the edge.
  • All components must be placed at least 10 mm from any edge to allow space for mounting.
  • Each module is connected via a 4-wire bus containing 5 volt power, common power and signal ground and an I2C. Modules are not assumed to have any pull-up resistors on I2C-lines.

Actual implementation is done using an Arduino Pro Mini in each module responsible for handling all I/O and logic used internally in that module. The main computer is an Arduino Pro Micro acting as a I2C bus master as well as handling the serial communication with Zitronens mod KSP_SerialIO and also emulating a USB keyboard sending keyboard commands to KSP.

The keyboard is not connected to the Arduinos in any way as of now but connects to the PC through a USB hub. It's there for alphanumerical input and stuff not related to KSP, like web-searching, chatting and taking notes while playing. It can also be used for play as most of the key commands for KSP are still intact.


  1. Can you put up a higher resolution shot of the layout? I really like what I'm seeing but I'm looking for inspiration for one I'd like to start working on.

    1. There's closeups, some comments and the complete source code for each module in the following posts. At the moment I'm doing some retrospective rethinking around the design, and I have also written down some of those thoughts with more to follow.
